Friday, July 2, 2010

Please Reset the Game Clock to AWESOME

A loyal but possibly disillusioned FNL and Texas Forever fan made some comments at the bottom of my last post about the direction or lack there of, the show has been displaying. He wished that someone could go back and note how much time was spent season to season on the show's main theme of football. Well you asked for it Marc and I heard you.
After a five hour session of fishing on the L.I. Sound, I got home last night and hit the film room. Using the stop watch feature on my trusty Suunto, I went through the first four episodes of Season 2 and noted the amount of time the show spent on the football field or in the locker room. This included practices and games. Taking the total time, and using my trusty calculator because my math skills are about as strong as #33's I came to the following results. for Season 2, each episode averaged roughly 3 minutes and 50 seconds worth of "football." Repeating the same process with the last four episodes of THIS season, I calculated that each episode featured and average of 4 minutes and 41 seconds worth of "football." Now I never competed in the Academic Smackdown, but it seems clear to me that we have actually been treated to more high school football this season than the previous.
The show has always spent time on off field topics like the relationship between Tami and Julie. This is nothing new. Also the time allotted for such story lines this season like Landry and Jess, Matt and the artist, Tim and Billy, were previously filled in past seasons by things like Landry killing Tyra's attacker and the subsequent aftermath, Jason Street trying out for the U.S. "Murderball" team and hooking up with that tattoo artist, and Buddy's affair and divorce. Perhaps the new story lines are not as compelling to some, or the new characters have yet to capture our hearts, but the show's format has stayed pretty true to form. As always I love the comments and takes on our beloved FNL, but I caution you out there not to be too hasty in your judgements. We were dangerously close to not having any FNL to watch at all this season, so I would cut Peter Berg and his staff some slack and just enjoy the ride while it lasts. I'm not sure what we are in store for this week, but I will tune in as always with clear eyes and a full heart.


  1. i'm not worthy; im not worthy... i suck.
    bravo to you.

    but i think u nailed it- these story lines might be less compelling to me.

  2. Fair enough my man. Myself, one of the most devoted "Friends" fans out there, now and again missed episodes because the story lines weren't doing it for me. Just don't wait too long to get back in the game. Don't want you goin down like Wally Pipp now do we?
