Thursday, July 15, 2010

Never Thought I'd See The Day...

Where I was sad to see a Friday. But a Friday with no Friday Night Lights is a sad day no matter how you spin it. There is reason to celebrate though. Kudos to FNL die hards Kristen and Pat who named their new labradoodle puppy "Coach" after our beloved Eric Taylor. I wondered who would look better in sunglasses so I did a little editing. It's close.
I will be on the road tomorrow most of the day scouting so I wanted to put something up despite not having a new episode this week. Take this time to get back in the film room and revisit some of your favorite episodes and FNL moments.
Few better than ones like this where you get to see both sides of Tim Riggins, a couple choice shots of Lyla and a gem from the always amazing Grandma Saracen.

1 comment:

  1. love how Grandma ends that clip with, "I want one now and one later"
