Monday, July 12, 2010

They Tried to make Me Go To Rehab

I said No No No. But I say YES YES YES to this week's episode. Amidst the Emmy nominations for Eric and Tami I have to say this week's episode is just as deserving of an award. Not a stretch to say i am dependent on this show, but with a new episode now two weeks away my nerves will surely be tested. Thankfully this week offered up enough amazing to keep me off the ledge for awhile. Vince stole the show and is emerging as an amazing character. Despite coach trying to stack the D against him he still finds a way to make plays. Unfortunately his resourcefulness landed him back in the car with Calvin but he does what it takes to take care of his mother. The scene with his mother in the hospital had me looking for tissues.

Vince tells his mom she OD'd and we get the feeling this isn't the fisrt time. He pulls his chair up close and delivers one of the most emotional scenes ever on the show. "why do you keep doin this to yourself, why do you keep doing this to me, I mean was I bad, why don't you want to be with me, why you wanna leave me by myself because I don't know if I can do it by myself. I can't do it by myself mamma."

Coach tries to get Vince to play ball his way but Big Mary thinks he's got Vince scouted all wrong. BM notices coach trying to get Vince to run timing patterns. Put's in his two cents with a "mm hmm looking forward to the game." Eric baffled goes "what the hells that supposed to mean." Later Coach is all over Vince when as one of the onlookers says, "he can't hit water from a boat" at practice. Virgil "Big Mary" finally has had enough it appears. Virgil tells Eric he doesn't know how to coach Vince. Eric can't get past the black and white thing. We see where Virgil's bitterness comes from when he says "you don't know what it's like to be the most athletic kid on the field and be told don't follow your instincts, follow the play book!" Eric knows Virgil is right but no one likes to be told how to do their job. "Can we get two more Robin please?" We realize the next morning when Tami is driving Coach to get his car that two more may have turned into ten. He can't go drinking like that on a school night. "You don't even remember what bar you were at do you?" There it is you gonns drive me to my car? "I think you can walk, a walk will do you some good, fresh air in your hair, love you."

Becky wakes up and is still pregnant. Man I know the feeling when life is going so bad you just are waiting to wake up and realize it was all a bad dream. Does put that B minus she got in geography in perspective. Loved when she asks the girl at school if she can copy her homework. Tami offers up the right advice giving her all her options and telling her to talk to her parents. Going to drive me crazy in two weeks when these Bible Beaters come after her. She did everything right as usual and again is going to get raked over the coals.
Eric gets Gracie to go to bed after four books three stories and crawling out of the room again. As a new dad I loved this line. So accurate. Eric says with the dread we all would "Tim Riggins is gonna be a father?" No but he is going to be a partner in Riggin's Rigs. Good scene where he and Billy have it out while burying the cars.

Virgil can't help Vince out with the money, but he makes sure he knows "I'm saying no to the money but I'm not saying no to you." Great stuff.
Jess in turn calls him out though for not saying yes to his own family. Virgil is in the midst of an awakening thanks to Vince and Jess. Proud of you Jess for telling your dad how it is. Pop Warner game with the little Panthers takin on Jess's brother and the East Dillon Wranglers was great. Virgil coaches up Caleb but the last thing he tells him is to have fun out there. Caleb said OK the growls as he runs back to the huddle. Loved it.

Luke has a tough talk with his own Dad and tells him he got a girl pregnant. His dad tells his wife though which I'm torn on. The Cafferty's are church going god fearin folks we see in the opening scene when the minister is praising Luke. Luke has to bring him Mom back down to Earth though later on and tells her "Becky and I are not Mary and Joseph mom." Luke calls Becky and mans up but it's too late as she tells him she already took care of it. Beck's mom on the other hand is a little more realistic and explodes when she hears the initital news. She gets upset with the doctor because he might convince Becky not to get the abortion. Probably like a doctor did to her back in the day.

Dinner with Habitat for Humanity was comical. I was cringing thinking of that day when it comes for me. "I heard the other day it's going to rain on Friday, must be weird everyone out the rain...playing football."
Vince takes the gun from the guy in the car
Yeah it can get pretty weird can't it Eric.

Amazing episode, almost too much to talk about. Luke is going to be close to addiction it looks like as this injury is still plaguing him. Those pills make the hurt go away in his hip but maybe in his soul as well. Vince is back in harm's way, but the law might be too busy with the Riggins brothers I fear in coming weeks. Till then enjoy the bye week anyway you can. I'll try to put some stuff up before then to keep our DT's in check.

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