Monday, July 26, 2010

Two weeks for THAT?...NO COMMENT!

Maybe it was the network cutting away multiple times to issue a Thunder Storm Warning for the North Jersey area during FNL. Maybe it was the extreme close ups they used this week showing off the skin flaws on multiple characters. Maybe it was how Jess went to see Vince's mom but he hasn't. Not sure what it was but this was in my opinion the weakest link of the season so far.

We had very few things to cheer about, including a football game where we didn't even get to see the finish. We had to wait two weeks to see Tammi's character and career threatened by Luke's crazy mom. Landry after taking Jess to dinner where she fielded Obama questions from his mom tells her he "didn't see her coming." Landry also doesn't see Vince coming. Look, Vince deserves to land someone good in his life, but do we have to offer up Landry again as a sacrificial lamb in the process? He already got crushed by Tyra, now it looks like Jess is destined to break his heart too. Vince is certainly going to be looking for a shoulder to cry on after seeing Calvin get got.

Landry did deliver a good line when he tells Jess she can expect some "hit or miss mom said something about beef stroganoff."

Matt calls Julie finally. Only thing saving this scene was Gracie Belle saying "NO" when Julie asks if she wants to go to bed. No nominations are in Julie's future I'm confident after that whole "you are my other half," speech.

Tinker sees Luke at Carrol Park trying to score some pain killers. I give the kid credit for trying to gut it out but has he ever heard of hip pads? "A bruise on the leg is a hell of a long way from the heart, candy ass." Herb Brooks would have been proud of Luke's gutting it out but there are things he could have been doing to get himself better. Stim, ice, treatments etc. Maybe wrap that state of Texas pillow around his waist. That thing was a gem. Take the Plaxico Burress approach and be a game day player only. It's not like anyone else is going to take his starting spot.

And how about Coach Best Buy diagnosing Luke's bruise as a hip flexor on the spot and saying he's out for the season. Whoah there Dr. House! They selling MRI's now next to the flat screens?

If Luke's mom is so crazy about having more kids around why did they only have Luke. Being sympathetic to how hard it is to conceive I'm just saying I thought it was common for farming families to have multiple kids so they can grow up to help out on the farm. I mean the only other farmers I know who had just one kid were Jonathan and Martha Kent. And after they found Clark they really didn't need any more help I would gather.

Becky's mom loses a close race to Luke's for craziest of the week. When she is running Tim off her property was I the only one who was worried about the #33 Jersey being left behind?

Becky shows up at Riggin's Rigs to tell him her mom was wrong and that he is kind, he's strong and he's good. He drove three hours after all to that pageant she points out and was there for her when no one else was. When she said, "Goodbye Tim Riggins," i felt a little pain in my heart because I know it won't be long before we also will be saying goodbye to our dear friend.

If there was a bright spot to this week it had to be Buddy who had endured 48 hours without wearing his Panther's State Champion ring. He is just such a treat. Silly me, when he first said ring though, I thought he was talking about his wedding ring.
Buddy was wrong though, in saying the season is over. The post season is out of the picture, but if they can beat the Panthers they can salvage the season most definitely their pride.
Eric though needs to not have "one more drink" and needs to get home to Tami who is waiting on the door step for HER "other half."

I think in nearly every scene with Tammi at home this week, there was wine in the foreground. This woman just can't catch a break in this town and the pressure is starting to be more than a few glasses of the white grape can fix.

Well you can't win em all and I feel a little sense of disbelief just like Buddy did after this week, but there's always the Panther's and J.D. McCoy to look forward to and what will hopefully be a shining moment. Although without Luke I don't know how they think they can hang with their cross town rivals. Can Landry run QB and pitch the ball to Vince? Who does Jess run and kiss if they end up beating the Panthers? Guess we will have to wait and see.

Till then as always...Clear Eyes Full Hearts.

1 comment:

  1. Your post was spot on as USUAL! It was not my fave episode at all. I am worried about Tim's exit - they wouldn't write him off in a fade of dishonor by sending him to jail to get rid of him, right? (flash forward to the scenes from next week when the po po shows up at Riggins Rigs?). That would be A LOW BLOW.
    Fingers crossed for a better ep this week!
