Monday, June 28, 2010


I'm not sure if she is even potty trained but Gracie seemed like she was ready for the Toilet Bowl because "Gracie doesn't have any pants!" Eric plays Mr. Mom while Julie and Tammi visit Boston College. Someone else who seemingly can't dress himself is Landry. He promises to wear a "button up" shirt to his date with Jess. She agrees to go just so long as he doesn't wear the one with the Periodic Table on it. He assures her he has "other" nice shirts.

Whether it's coming from a request or an internal desire, we see a lot of the characters on FNL trying to change their stripes. Landry already mentioned, is willing to dress up for Jess, Tim dons a suit for his trip to the real estate agent and for his job interview. Billy is entering a life of crime while Vince is doing his best to put his in the past. Buddy once someone special to the Panthers wants to swap blue for red and now help the Lions. Vince's mom is battling addiction and trying to be the stable mother she thinks Vince needs.

Change is good, but not if its forced. Like Tim says, "Some guys are meant to be in a suit some guys aren't." Tim is just looking for a job and not trying to be a super hero, but Rigs you have a supernatural way with words. Chaucer a legendary wordsmith used words like "Ass and Fart," but always in the right context. Tim can be crass as well, but he is master of the English language in his own right.
It's all about context, I.E. "So just go in the bath tub."
"The clutch is you friend...I don't have air bags by the way."
"4's...mental note this, Dr. Curey will ask you four questions, you answer No, No, Yes, No."

And last but not least, "I didn't want that job anyway." (My wife and I lost it when he said this line because back in 2001 during our senior year at Dartmouth, amidst the corporate recruiting process, she and her roommates hung a banner from their house that read the exact same thing. (Picture Above)

Tim hilarity continued when he interviews Skeeter with the beer can. That's "National Beer" he is drinking ny the way. Did you happen to catch his Panthers jersey hanging above his bed? When he took Becky to see the land he wants to buy it was special to see him share his vision of what he wants to do with his life. Lyla is no longer all he wants it appears. He and Billy both are choking on reality at the moment and are facing some big boy moral conflicts as they try to justify their late night chop shop activities to themselves. That being said, I did not like how Tim missed the game Friday night, and can someone explain to me how he got a key to the gate on the property?

Becky's comments to him were heart felt and touching, and I almost want to see her and Tim end up on that wrap around porch some day throwing the ball to Skeeter, but there still is that whole I slept with your mom thing. So...
Now to the game, the infamous and much maligned, Toilet Bowl. We finally saw what all the hype about Luke has been about. The kid can flat out run! I was a little worried about his ball security on his first carry. Needs to cover the tip of the ball up with his finger, but "4's," plays through the injury and helps the Lions get a win. Eric still need to find a receiver for Vince to hook up with, but Landry seems like he will be able to get us some field goals if we can get him close. That is until Vince breaks his legs for talking to Jess.
The game was broadcasted thanks to the passionate work of Buddy. I got emotional when he talked to Eric at practice about how he used to mean something to the Panther faithful and how he wants to be that man again for the Lions. He gave the Lions faithful a much needed voice, even if it is broadcasted on 1040 AM El Fuego.

Pride is very important to the folks in Dillon. When Bill and Tim are breaking down the car in the chop shop the camera focused in on Billy's state championship ring. Very poignant shot I felt.

Julie is able to put her relationship woes with Matt aside and kills her interview at B.C. Her comments about how Dillon has shaped her were great and showed us that she clearly is a Taylor. Tami just might rock a pair of sunglasses better than her Husband. she echoed my own feelings as a parent when she tells Julie that she is her dream. with Julie, Eric and Gracie, she got what she wanted, she got it all.

Earlier in the episode Eric tells his team in a moving speech that he is proud to take the field with them. I am proud as well. Proud of how this show is continuing to impress and fill my heart with joy. I attatched the clip of the game here, courtesy of NBC, in case anyone needs some mid day inspiration.


  1. AMAZING. I don't know where you found that banner pic, but monica wilson and i reeeeeeeeeeeally like it.

  2. i think you raise a lot of good points here and i appreciate your continued optimism, but the more the season goes on, i feel like the show is drifting further from what its about (football) and becomming more like 'Full House' or a show of that nature. i dont care to see all the other hoopalah about mom and daughter relationships, or tim trying to find his career and wear a suit. Friday Night Lights is about high school football, and this is drifting further and further away. as we discussed offline, id love to use a stop watch and compare the amount of time we see football played per episode this year vs season 1 or 2... it just feels like the show is trying to spread itself too thin, and reach out to too many different demographics while alienating the foundation of what it stands for. im not about to jump ship, but if it continues in this direction i might have to reconsider about extending my contract through 11.
