Tuesday, June 15, 2010


The allure of Dillon was too much for someone this week as we saw a familiar face return, while for another it has seemingly lost its hold.

With so much going on in the show right now I'm going to take a page out of Eric's play book and "Keep It Simple."

First off, Thank God for mid term breaks as Lyla returns to the show with some quality scenes this week. Tim reminds her in case she forgot that he is a sort of "moment to moment kind of guy." Well when he opened up the trailer door to see her face, "This Magic Moment" started playing in my head. I can't think of another time where she looked better. Lyla asks Tim after she rides the bull if he misses her and he replies "more than you know." When Becky comes knocking on the trailer door "for a ride to school," Tim tells Lyla that Becky is just the land lady's daughter. Lyla all too knowing just smiles and shakes her head. some things never change.

I felt like Tim was speaking for all of us. Lyla asks him "what do you want Tim?"


"What else do you want?"


Amen Tim, Amen. What else is there? when Tim tries to get her to stay in Dillon dangling the managerial position at Riggins Rigs before her eyes, my wife blurts out "Just say yes already Lyla...I'd say yes!" If I was ever going to lose my starting job as husband, I guess I would consider Tim Riggins a compliment.

Lyla eventually missed college or is just weirded out by Becky's awkward compliment of "you're so pretty" and heads to the bus station. Tim and her once again part ways and I once again reached for the tissues. The bus pulls away and Tim is left standing there hanging his head. Becky tries to console him but Tim just asks her to "shut up...please." And even Becky gets the gravity of Tim's mood.

While Tim has just cause to sulk, the Lions have nothing to be sad about. They gave a heck of an effort in their first televised game. Heartwarming to see Vince's mom there, ha really played great. That lone touch down where he trucks two defenders before powering into the end zone was great stuff. I guess when you spend the week practicing against two former State Champions, high school competition doesn't seem too bad. QB1 or not, he still is gonna have to get his baby back ribs from the take out counter if Mr. Meriwether has anything to say about it. That was great when he pulled out Vince's chair with Vince still in it.

In what had to be one of the best scenes ever on the show. Billy and Tim come to practice. "You boys ever play a couple of state champions?! Show 'em your ring Tim!" Tim wearing his jersey from the High School All American game was a great touch although I was surprised he hadn't cut the sleeves off of it by now. "HERE WE GO!!!" What a great scene. I'm not the only one who has dreams about going back and playing high school football at the ripe old age of 32. Billy recapping at the bar how fast he felt was just perfect.

The team looked good, Coach McNulty formerly referred to by this guy as "Coach Best Buy," actually works at Sears. Loved when he kicked J.D. and his posse to the curb when they tried to disturb Vince and Luke's "film session." I'll forgive him as a result of this scene, for his reckless Joe Namath impersonation guaranteeing a win to the reporters. Tinker on the other hand was amazing in front of the camera when he just burst out laughing. Eric just gets up and says "peace" to the ridiculous line of questioning. I loved how the announcer said "Roll Lion" during the game scenes. nice new catch phrase. Landry is still working on that throwing motion and I don't think they are showing us that casually.

Uh I guess I have to talk about the other story lines that are going on as well. Matt and Julie was actually pretty good. Someone needed to wipe the glitter off of his lips though after their kissy face in the car. The lovebirds are off to Austin. Austin, Massachusetts? Matt asks Julie to dance when the "pretty music" comes on the radio. Somewhere in between the peanut butter sammy's and the Heartless Bastards at EMO's though, Matt has a change of heart. Julie comes home and slumps to the ground crying that she thinks Matt is leaving.

Tammi showed why she is a great mother. After Eric talks her out of going to Austin, she was all set to "beat her ass" when Julie got home. Gracie knew what was coming when she went "uh oh" after Tami left one of her numerous voice mails on Julie's cell. "You're my favorite daughter" she tells Gracie who cracks an adorable smile. It thought it was great also how Landry is terrified of Tami Taylor and defenseless against her "interrogations." great overall episode form Landry. I liked how he tells Matt even if he doesn't know what it is Matt wants from him, he is still going to be his best friend.

While one relationship is seemingly ending another is struggling to get off the ground as Becks stiff arms Luke and his Gummi Bears. More to come from those two I'm sure.

We end the week watching Matt driving away to some scene appropriate music. We're not sure what it is he is looking for but just perhaps it's not in Dillon anymore. A great episode I thought, second best of the season so far. Some people out there have been sipping the Haterade on the sidelines saying the show has lost its touch and is not as strong as past seasons. To those haters I ask you like Eric asked the Lions early on, "to go home tonight and think about why it is that you're out here." You wanna hate, you go ahead and hate somewhere else, but not on my blog, not in my colors! you go ahead and get your things and get out of my house!

Those of you still with clear eyes and full hearts, until this Friday, remember to keep it simple. Like Tim said "It's a simple life, but it's a great life."


  1. Thought this week's episode was pretty great.
    I totally AGREE with you on 7's kissy-face lips. Gross. As much as I enjoy me some 7/Julie, I am glad that this episode was lighter on 7 than last week (although, now that I know it was his finale arc, I am more OK with it. AND I did love the fade out scene/music that played for him). Since I have recently been obsessed with/totally grossed out by bedbugs, I also 100% back Julie's chiding of Saracen to not sit on the bedspread in the hotel. Amen girl!

    So glad this week was heavier on Lyla and Tim! It was great to see Lyla. Did I already tell you how awesome I thought it was that she showed up at the funeral in black cowboy boots? Absolutely love her and I love who Tim is with her -- he wants her to run his business! Their scenes were fantastic. Hello BULL RIDING!

    I am kind of over Becky and her crazy talk and obsession with Tim. Luke is cute and 'thinks she's cute' why doesn't she go for him? ALSO he got her gummy bears, duh I would have married him on the spot. Her soulmate/Sri Lanka nonsense was maddening. I hope it stops soon.
    Sidenote: What kind of beer does Tim drink? Is there a Dillon micro-brew?

    Seeing the Riggins bros on the field crushing the Lions was fantastic. Such a great scene. I couldn't figure out Tim's jersey; I thought it was his college one but wasn't sure how that whole "taking-your-college-jersey" thing works when you drop out first semester. HS All American = even better.

    Coach Sears is hilarious. I know Eric is annoyed by him and his inability to listen/follow directions...but when he threw JD McDick out of his department, I was on my feet and clapping and whooping. I do not like those McCoys, or that pack of wanna-bes that JD hangs out with. They remind me of the hyenas from the Lion King.

    Is it sad how much I love this show? I watch each episode at least 2x each week. Ha ha.

    P.S. What's up with Mr. Merriweather? He is bitter about football, he hates the Lions, and he totally hates Vince. Interested to see his back-story play out, as long as there is some football tied into it.

    P.P.S. Landry's still hung up on Tyra? Come on. Jess is cute! And she can dance. And she works at a delish BBQ resto. Get it together, twinkletoes!

  2. J.D. and his sidekicks now actually reminding me of Draco Malfoy and his goon sidekicks Crabbe and Goyle.
