Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Yes it has been Tammi. That loser Glen has been a weirdo ever since he came onto the scene last season. Eric was all over it back then, but had no chance to defend his wife's honor after the "mouth rape." I wonder if Tammi will even mention it to Eric. Coach might want to hold off on making Vince's gun disappear nah mean?

I was so pumped though to see Vince show up at the Taylor's front door with that bag. He hands it to Eric and says "there ya go." He does so as if to say I'm in. A quarterback has got to be clear about what has to be done and I think Vince gets it. He lived up to his end of the bargain and puts the ball back in Eric's court as if to say let's see what you got Coach. Vince initially questions Eric's motivations for caring about him so much. We as loyal fans know that just because you are no longer a player of his, Eric does not forget about you. (I.E. helping Jason Street fix up that house he was trying to sell) Vince still has a gun, for an arm that is, but the best weapon in his arsenal is Eric's heart which now has it's sights set on seeing Vince succeed.

While one character is making strides to avoid a life of crime, another seems to be getting sucked in by one. Billy, Tim and Mindy are at the drive through when she starts having contractions. Billy tells Tim they need to get to the hospital to which Tim protests "WE GOT FOOD HERE!" The hospital bills are piling up and with no insurance Billy is no doubt going to get involved with Corn Rows and his car thief mentor. Riggins Rigs is going to turn into a chop shop I fear.

One of my favorite catch phrases of this season has become Becky's "Hey Tim Riggins." Her dad comes back to town and tries to make up for lost time by getting her a puppy which her mother promptly returns. "Whoa whoa whoa, Miss Lippy. The part of the story I don't like," is how Becky lets her mom give the poor dog back without even putting up a fight. She didn't threaten to run away or marry Tim or anything, she just stayed on the porch like a goon and took it. That little girl's gotta think 'You got a pet. You got a responsibility.' If your mom wants to return it you don't just cry for 5 minutes then call it quits. You get your ass out there and you save that fukking dog!

Tim tells Becky's father that he had sex with his wife and then proceeds to administer his own version of an Academic Smackdown, on him in the mud. I'm glad they had Tim beat that deadbeat senseless, but I think it made Tim realize that he is not very responsible either. A light goes off in Tim's head. It was as if the lights on the Christmas wreath hanging on the trailer formed a halo above his head. He goes back to the pound and asks for the dog back. The woman there asks him if he is going to be responsible and take care of it this time around. He says yes ma'am he will. Tim is so right, Julian a dogs name it is not. Skeeter it is! Just don't forget Tim's rule #1, "don't go in my truck."

Tim pulls over so Skeeter can go to the bathroom and is awe struck by the lot of land for sale. We knew Tim's time on the show was limited, but it wasn't until now that I could see how or why he was going to take his leave. The pieces are still coming together but it's becoming apparent what's going to happen. He won't leave Billy high and dry just yet though. Not as long at Mindy has her hand on the bell. "Ugh that bell!"

We see Landry calling Tyra to tell her he has arrived at the "designated rest area," only to find that she is not there. I could not help but think of the Rest Stop Bust scene from There's Something About Mary. Rest areas are the bath houses of the 90's Landry come on. When you don't look to the left or the right you get kicked in the face and Tyra blindsides our man once again.

Matt Lone Wolfe Saracen has broken Julie's heart with his Wanderer act. I don't think she is overeacting. They have dated for three years. for him not to call ain't right y'all.

While Matt needs to get home and mend some fences, Luke was plenty busy with some repair work of his own this week. I knew Tinker was going to be a great character. From the scene where he is eating Luke's fries, to where he tells Mr. Cafferty Luke's a good guy. He's part of what holds their team together, he's humble, and he never acts like a star. Luke's dad seems touched, possibly even impressed of Luke's ability. He tells Tinker he's a good man and I could not agree more. Luke gets injured the next day rounding up the cattle but how bad we do not know. I was a little disapointed though, I must say, with the lack of turn out by the Lions to help Luke out. I know the scene with his dad and Tinker would not have been as compelling if there was a big crew there, but there was a great chance for Vince to lead and rally the team to help a fellow Lion instead of skipping out and going to the "baby shower" Tim and Billy were throwing. The party of course which was the brain child of ol' #33 and in Billy's opinion possibly "the best thing" he has ever said.

The Lions have another week to prepare for their game so hoepfully it's enough time to come together some more and for Luke to heal. Until Friday Night, Clear Eyes Full Hearts!

P.S. For any fans of HBO's "True Blood" out there I recently began a blog discussing this show as well. Feel Free to check it out. http://thebloodissacred.blogspot.com/

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