Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Well a zero still remains in the win column for the East Dillon Lions but they did manage to put 7 on the board to close out a pretty good episode. Coach delivered yet another line to live by when he told Luke, "you want a slap on the back you earn it." He asked Luke to lead and hopefully he finds a way to do so. Calling out Vince for biting on a five yard out when it's 3rd and 10 was correct but poorly timed. The rift between those two is reminiscent of Tim and Smash back in season one.

We open up Friday's episode with Eric shaking down the principal of East Dillon for funds to buy the team new uniforms. What happened to the old uniforms? Oh that's right Eric burned them. The principal basically tells Eric "your karate's a joke Larusso," and tells him in so many words to put up or shut up and ship out. Sadly there was no Peanut Brittle to sell like in Wildcats, so Eric did the next best thing and went to Under Armour. Then he rallies the team and we find them surrounding an old car that they are going to push through town to raise funds for new uniforms. Sort of like a steak head version of one of those fire department coin tosses. Tink asks Eric why the hell they are doing this. "One you need to watch your language, two next time I see you I want whatever that is on your upper lip shaved off."

Love that Nipsey Russel..."Righhht"

Is there anything more depressing than watching Eric Taylor write that check for three grand? Reminds me of Walt writing the check's for his chemo therapy for those Breaking Bad fans out there. I like Coach looking out for the team like that but Tami has a very good reason to chew him out and remind him family always comes first and you first and foremost must "Protect THIS house."

Luke knocks on Eric's door and lets him know that he doesn't hold anything against him with what happened between him and his wife back at Dillon. Eric doesn't skip a beat in his response delivering in that piercing manner of his that takes the EZ Pass lane right to your soul saying "good I'm glad, I'm glad because I don't think you should be holding it against me and as far as my wife is concerned, my wife wasn't the one who caused the problems for you. You caused the problems for yourself isn't that about right? You were doing something knowingly wrong and you got caught. Yeah? That lands you straight on the plate of responsibility so why don't you take that responsibility. As far as trhe rest we'll see what you got out there." and then gives him a nod toward the door. What else can you say to that but "OK thanks coach." There was no back down by Luke though. It was more of an "OK I know where we both stand now" expression.

Tim is telling Luke to keep up the good work even if Coach isn't giving him the credit he thinks he deserves when Becky shows up and yells "Hi Tim, I'll see ya later!" Luke waves to her grinning ear to ear as Tim tells her he is renting a room from her mom. "You're what? Wish I was renting a room from her mom...just joking." Tim later tells Becky she should talk to Luke if she wants a boyfriend. She says "Yeah I'll talk to him," but you get the feeling she is only doing it to get closer to Tim.

The scene with the pageant dresses was fantastic. Upon being asked for his opinion, Tim says he is not qualified and that Becky should ask her mom. When she offers to try them on for him, he looks right at the floor and cowers. "What? I don't know, I don't think I, just, your good, pink for sure, get the pink, you'll win with that. Good luck." And he exits out the door carrying his tooth brush. The unshakable Tim Riggins just blushed I think ladies and gentleman. The Sultan of Smitty's tucked his tail and ran from a girl. Again I'm not sure where I stand on this whole situation. Like Tim, I'm gonna turn tail and run away from this one. Pink! go with the Pink.

The Tim/Luke mentorship is pretty great.

Luke goes starry eyes when he is around Tim, asking him how come he never wears his State Championship ring to which Tim replies "that's a good question, I guess I don't like Rings." These kids are only a few years apart age wise but Tim reached the pinnacle of high school in Luke's eyes and he is star struck. This whole "That's not what I do" attitude from Luke though has gotta go. You play football that's what you do. Coach asks you to hold the ball on kick offs when its windy, you do it son. The conversation he has with Eric at his house while throwing the hay around was great. I like the angle that his parent's don't care about his football, that it is his drive alone that pushes him. He is like the antithesis of J.D. I feel his frustration, because we all want the chance to get noticed.

Vince isn't going to get anywhere taking life advice from Corn Rows. "That's my spot, that's my team?" Since when Vince? And you got Corn Rows telling him the white man gonna take care of his own so that's what he and Vince have to do. Lot of good you're doing Vince by quitting the team fella. Then Vince makes another smart life decision and takes his helmet off during the game to yell at Eric. Man, that never works let me tell you from experience. You try to pick a fight with your coach and all you'll be picking are the splinters out of your behind from riding the bench. Man was Eric fired up. Probably his most intense scene ever, screaming in the ear of Vince like that. Vince has a good heart though, you can see it by how serious he is about taking care of his family and his mom. He'll come around soon enough, hopefully before he pulls up on anymore blocks for Luke.

Landry punting was fantastic. I know Landry considers himself more of a "hands man" but hang time and coffin corners could be his ticket. Just not sure how much I buy into Jess Merriweather,football coach angle, but I do think they make a cute couple. They could share each other's Proactiv. (I know, I know, FLAG DOWN 15 yards for unnecessary roughness.) Despite the amazing insight and coaching from Jess, it will be interesting to see if Landry can pull it off in front of the "thousands of screaming fans," like he says at "an away game or something." We didn't get to see him kick anything this week in the game, but we did watch him throw a shovel pass to Vince on the botched field goal attempt resulting in a touch down. Again, Landry handing the ball off to Vince could be a sign of things to come. Or... I just had this thought. What if, what if Eric is making Luke play defense to show him what the defense keys on when covering an offense, only to give him better perspective when he makes the move to QB1? Eh? We'll have to see.

In the meantime, Buddy grabs his boot straps and joins the fight for the Lions when he calls Joe McCoy a cancer and wipes his hands of the Panthers. Buddy is spot on because that's exactly what Joe is. A golf cart driving cancer. Buddy is going to help get the boosters get in line for sure.

I can't really spend too much time on this whole Saracen story line with the jerk off artist. I did like when he complains to Matt that "He asks too many damn questions...questions." Matt responds with a smirk "It was one "questions." I know one thing though, if he says anything else to Julie, I'm gonna climb into my TV and punch him myself if Matt doesn't. Nobody messes with Julie Taylor. I did like how Matt told her not to worry about what some crazy old man says about their relationship, and to eat her bean curd. That was a gem.

Well things are starting to look up for the Lions. Check in Friday morning for a scouting report for this week's episode.

Take us out Buddy!

"Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose!"

P.S. I deliberately did not go into the religion story line between Tami and Julie because in Dillon there needs to be separation between Church and "STATE."

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