Friday, May 7, 2010

Dillon Divided-FNL Preview 2010

Well here we go again team. A new season is upon us. Along with Coach Taylor we are venturing into the unknown. A new school, new team, same attitude. Never broken! With Eric Taylor at the helm we’re never out of the fight. So who’s it gonna be?
Not since Biggie and Tupac has there been a bigger battle between East and West.
Coach Taylor has a new set of troops and from the look of this picture one hell of an asst. coach.

It’s going to take some adjusting. We are going from this:

To this:
But they have potential I can tell. Some new uniforms and a little choreography and we might have a FNL version of Bring It On. “Where the hell are my spanky pants?”

The parallels to 1986’s “Wildcats” with Goldie Hawn are definitely there. If the cheerleaders start chanting “Your Momma says you’re UGLY.” I’m outta here.

It’s been a long wait. I’ve tried my best to stay away from the spoilers and trailers. I would run screaming in the opposite direction if I even heard someone mention Direct TV. But I did catch one scene with Coach Taylor and a new kid named “Vince.”
Let me tell you, it was like rain in the desert. I couldn’t drink it up fast enough.
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I can’t wait for tonight. Warm up the bus! Because some nights we fight. Some nights we dream. But there’s one night we can believe in.

Friday Night Lights returns to NBC TONIGHT!!! Friday May 7th.

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