Friday, May 14, 2010


Tonight we will see the fallout of what had to be the hardest decision of Eric Taylor's coaching career. The decision to fore go the second half of last week's opener was no easy choice, but the right one I believe. Walking into that locker room at half time Coach Taylor was I'm sure going to give Herb Brooks a run for his money with how I'm sure he planned on ripping into his team. A quick scan though of the players rendered him speechless. You saw how big this man's heart is even if listening to it meant tearing it apart. Tonight the town line between East and West continues to shift about as apparently a key member of the Panthers is forced to transfer to East Dillon. Thing's I anticipate us seeing are Julie's first day at E.D. The fall out from coach's decision as players are ridiculed and parent's tempers flare. Grandma Saracen is due for some more air time and hopefully Tim gets his scenes as well. Can't wait for that familiar theme song to come through my TV speakers. Recap to follow next week. Till then...Clear Eyes, Full Hearts!

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