Friday, May 21, 2010

Let's Get This Season In Gear

It's Friday Night y'all, well almost. There are still a few things I wanted to mention from last week though. I noticed them after watching the 2 minute Episode Recap a few times while gearing up for tonight's episode.

The way Buddy says "East Dillon" when he takes coach to Luke's false address is amazing. Followed up by the look in his eyes as he goes from Joe McCoy to Tami Taylor during their back and forth at the booster meeting. He is like a pupper master acting out his private agenda through the cahracters involved and loving it. Don't sleep on Buddy folks, the guy has got some game.
The way Eric keeps saying "man" when he visits the basketball court to try and convince Vince to come back to the team. I thought Eric had more game than that but I guess its appropriate to write him a little awkward as he tries to relate to these kids. At least the writers didn't have him calling the kid "son" over and over. Eric is a parent and therefore has to be somewhat of a dork. After all, he does love to rock the calf high socks and the 1980's razor sunglasses all while sporting a rough collection of sneakers and a hat propped up on his head.

As for tonight, I hope we get to finally see the emergence of coaches Riggins and Saracen. There's been a lot of rumor mill talk of Matt coaching up Landry to become QB1 for East. Not sure if a kid who swims in a tee shirt can really lead the Lions to victory though. I mean Landry...REALLY? I personally think a Wildcat formation would suit them better with Luke running from under center and having Vince as his pitch option. From the preview it seemed like this week could just be a lot of heated conversations between Eric and some school officials though. I hope we can focus a little more on the game coming up this week.

They keep showing "corn rows" in various scenes around school and hanging out with Vince. I feel like we have yet to see the last of him. He could very well still be carrying a grudge for the way Eric chewed him out in front of the team. Hopefully he doesn't take it out on Julie by making her new life at Dillon East a living hell.

Hopefully we can get back to basics tonight and see some good football. Time will on ly tell.
Till tonight- C.E.F.H.C.L

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