Sunday, May 9, 2010

This Is My Dillon Now!!!

Oh JD you have fully become a Texas H.S. Football cliche haven't you. I'm not buying it. Pretty cocky considering it's been less than a year since you pulled a Mama Cass in the championship game. Your day of reckoning is coming daddy's boy.

So the new season kicked off and the Year of the Lion is under way, all be it with a forfeit. I haven't seen a beat down like that on screen since the TSU Fightin' Armadillos had to play that team of convicts in the scrimmage Dean Elias set up for them. Maybe East Dillon should also think about "putting a bloody Sheila on the team!" Did Julie ever play soccer in any old episodes? Not saying I'd back the decision,just putting it out there. She is after all going to transfer and open up a whole new venue for jokes and inappropriateness with her Dad's players. I.E. Tim: "Hey, how bout Matt Saracen sleeping with Coach's daughter!"

Coach Taylor takes off the sunglasses and lays down the gauntlet in the locker room following "Corn Rows" snapping Landry's figurative olive branch in two. Eric was channeling Norman Dale there and I loved it.

I also loved this new player, Vince. He was featured on the series preview, but the writers gave me something I wasn't expecting when after being dealt a crushing hit along the sidelines on the opening kick off the kid pops up like toast and heads back to the huddle. I gotta say I like the cut of this kid's jib. I hope he can find that dang "4 hole" by week 2.

I can't even get into the whole rezoning issue. It's obvious the boosters and coaches rigged the process to keep the Panthers talent pool intact. I think I even heard one of the coaching staff say, "we'll fix that like we fixed everything else." So there's no secrets or surprises there, or is there? Someone has to realize that it was no coincidence that Landry was the only Dillon player who fell behind the line.
What I didn't like was seeing my man Buddy Garrity being run around the field like some discarded lap dog. The only thing that made me stomach it was my hope that he defects from his Alma Mater and somehow helps Eric and the Lions out. Buddy though, is the man who in Season one said, "You know what, Eric? I'll always care about the Panthers. Pam can cut off my head n' stick it on a pike, but I'll always care about the Panthers!" Well Pam left him and married that vegetarian, but I still think ole Buddy has a come to Jesus moment ahead of him in some form. Either way I hope he takes a five iron to Wade and Smilin' Joe McCoy's golf cart. Play it as it lies Buddy. Everyone deserves a mulligan in life and Buddy you're due for a breakfast ball.

And then there's Coach Best Buy. This guy kills me, which is the point of course. They way he echos Eric reminds me of the two lacrosse coaches in American Pie. "1: I don't wanna see any of you thinking you're gonna score. You don't score, till you score. 2: TILL YOU score! 1: This game marks the culmination of the past four years! 2: CULMINATION!" Hope he heads back to the sales counter soon and makes way for Tim and even Saracen to come aboard and coach. Hopefully Tim got the hint from his brother that Riggins Rigs is a one man operation and he heads to the dust bowl in East Dillon ASAP. I'm not sure Saracen coaching up Landry in the drive way is foreshadowing in any way but it did offer the opportunity for Grandma Saracen to deliver one of the lines of the week when she told Landry to "Stop throwing that ball you look like a girl."
We all knew Tim's stint in college was going to be brief. One of my favorite gems was the fact that he was sitting in class with a pen behind his ear and an unsharpened pencil in his hand. Such a minute detail but so apropos. And how about the scene where he and Billy are paining the nursery the color of "puke?" Having just painted a nursery myself I laughed incredibly hard when Tim asked "what happened to blue/pink, boy/girl?"

Tim gets right back on his horse or in this case his bar stool at Smitty's and proceeds to take home the dirtysomething year old bartender. "So what's it like being the guy who used to be Tim Riggins?" asks that cougar's daughter and poor man's Tyra. "I'm Still Tim Riggins." Tim Riggins will never die sweetheart. Why doesn't he get a new truck? Why didn't the Fonz ever carry quarters for the juke box instead of having to bang on it with his fist all the time? Because it's what makes guys like Tim Riggins and Arthur Fonzarelli who they are. Keep singing yourself down the road daisy dukes, I hear the local Elks Cub needs someone to sing "America the Beautiful" at this week's meeting. You can go on right before their salute to gun racks and open beverage containers. The smirk on Tim's face when she asks if her mom is going to be in any condition to drive anytime soon was amazing by the way, way to go #33!

Well plenty of stuff to keep us going till this week's episode I think. Wanted to wish a very special Happy Mother's Day to you Tami Taylor. I do so love the interactions between you and Eric over morning coffee. Till Friday Night...Clear Eyes, Full Hearts.

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