Monday, May 9, 2011

Right Hand of the Father

Maybe I'm soft but after hearing from a few people that this episode was weak, I am shocked. I thought it was a great episode and worth of it's own game ball in my episode trophy case. Not only do I think this episode will get Eric Taylor nominated for an Emmy again, I think his speech to Vince about character will win it. All his talk about what their standard entailed was great. Tinker said he was flipping tires in his dreams after Coach was so hard on them. I definitely have run so many gassers that I was doing them in my sleep, but I never had a coach then tell me to take a knee a deliver a speech about team standards like Eric did. Then he gets Vince with the, "Strive to be better than everyone else. Character is in the trying not being."
That was just great stuff.

The game was sick. Vince lead the crowd in cheering "Defense," Luke blew up the other team's QB and Tinker got flagged for doing his shuffle after Vince punched it in for six. What more do you want?

Other highlights were:
Jess's smile when Tami brought up the equipment manager spot.

Gracie Belle yelling "Think about it daddy!"

Billy: Shut your face Moreno

Vince's mom: Give him a chance for me. Let's be a family

Tinkers suit on game day.

Buddy's call to his wife: This is what I've decided. Send Buddy Junior home to
Dillon. Send my son home.

Vince's Dad: Tonight for the first time in my life I knew what pride felt like.

Was glad Vince didn't totally cave and ask his dad to come back in and stay with him and his mom. Julie and Tami were the low points of the episode which is hard to admit, but it's the truth.

So way late on this recap and I have yet to watch this week's episode. Spread a little thin these days so I apologize

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