Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Julie what did the five fingers, say to the face?
That was as intense as it gets and reminiscent of Goodfellas where Karen goes to Janice Rossi's apartment. Liked how her roommate stood up for her. Tammi knew right away that something was wrong when Jules showed up at home unannounced.

How bout the lions though slapping the taste out the mouth of Kingdom? That was fantastic! Hastings shined and I rewound his touchdown three times so I could see Luke taunting the guy that just got laid out.
Luke's drunk rant was epic as was the convo the players had whilst Eric listened on earlier before the game. Little Buddy Jr. likes Cougars it looked like.

Julie isn't the only one who fell for a faculty member. Tammi's coworker is hot for teacher too. White wine and Chinese food, who is she kidding and she couldn't have been any less thrilled when Eric called, which was hilarious in it's own right.

The scene where Vince's dad met the coaches was pretty emotional. It was as if he was meeting the men who had been raising his son while he wasn't there. Gotta respect Eric though no matter who you are. Who else cooks bacon in their office? There is no chance though that "everything" concerning Vince's recruitment goes through him.

Break out game and episode for Hastings! Branding though? Having branded myself once I can tell you those boys must have still been good and drunk the next day because that smarts for way longer than overnight.

I'd give this episode 6 stars if I could. It had it all. The team and coaches both nursed hangovers, but I would walk on fire if it meant another season of this great show. Moment's like Vince telling Eric it's his team and he rides with the team, are rare and special. Even the stoic Eric Taylor couldn't help but blush at that one. Best episode of the season and ranks up there with the best in the show's history.

So many amazing quotes:
Eric: Success is not a goal it's a byproduct.

Buddy: They'll kill ya but they can't eat ya.

Luke: I like Country but this is Rap. Put them together and they sound like crap.

Billy: AAA is for women, we're men. We don't ask for directions and we fix our own cars.

Billy: Special Teams is about the real players taking a breather and the people in the stands getting a chance to drop the kids off at the pool. Special Teams? More like Special Ed.
Eric: Hey Coach? This is supposed to be a walk through.

Tinker: It's too damn quiet! I miss my cop cars and crack heads.

Hastings: Ay, that candy ain't free...that porn ain't either.

Luke: Tomorrow buddy.
Vince: Tomorrow.

Eric: Stay away from Dumb.

Hotel Manager: I'm glad you won your soccer game but I need you to tone it down.

Luke: And where's Buddy Jr.? Where are you girl?

Eric: So what are you all wearing?
Tammi: I gotta go now.

1 comment:

  1. excellent episode, excellent recap. i think this is the best season since 1... its got everything.
    but u left off the best quote at the end:

    Hastings: Coach, are we there yet?
    Coach: not yet, but we're getting close.

    that scene brought chills and tears to my eyes....
