Friday, July 15, 2011

Gut Check

"O" channeled Allen Iverson as he tried to pump up Vince and told him not to worry about having the red jersey taken away at practice. I mean, come on Vince, what are we talkin about man? Practice? Not a game! We talkin about practice.

And Vince, you can't help out Luke, the guy who has had your back all this way? The guy who saved continually got the ball back on defense so you could get another chance at glory? The kid who played through a debilitating injury last season? Listen to your mom Vince, she speaks the truth like Billy Zane.

Luke did need to step up to his mom right off the bat though. Becks had every right to be mad. The woman is a moron, sorry Luke. She was shocked when she saw her son kiss Becky. How do you think she got preggers church lady?

Only in the state of Texas would there be a mandatory class called "Texas History." not European, not American, Texas! Poor Epyck, she probably thought there was a basement in the Alamo.

Becky was adorable as she lamented about potentially seeing Luke in his "cute Lions uniform" for the last time.

Man Julie loves dropping the "I have to tell you something but you have to promise not to get mad" line doesn't she? First on her parents then on Matt. He did well to play it off, but it cut him deep.

Billy- "We've got Riglet #2 coming to a theatre near you! My boys can swim!" (placing the pregnancy test in his mouth triumphantly)
Mindy- "I Peed on that."

Way to bounce back Lions. Not sure why it took Eric so long to let Luke to run out of the shotgun but better late than never.

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