Thursday, June 23, 2011


All of a sudden Vince is like Leon from the Budweiser ads.
Luke continued to show his comedic side with his stellar impression of his over confident QB. "I threw the ball to myself, I caught it in the end zone and then I kicked the extra point with my gold plated schlong!"
Becky being nervous about his parents walking in on them making out took me back. He reassured Becks though that they wouldn't be interrupted because his parents were off tractor shopping which apparently is "an all day affair."
How great were Becky's mentors from the Landing Strip? All three of her fairy god strippers raised their hands when she rhetorically asked what kind of person loses their virginity in a truck. Mindy told her all she can do when life throws a lot of crap at you is pout it in the past and leave it there. "Or you can drink a lot, I'm just saying," added the short haired peeler. Who knew it was against the rules to lift up your boobs in pageants? Someone should tell Hawaiian Tropic. Then the other one insisted that after Becky won the pageant she should sneak into Luke's room wearing only her tiara. Sage advice right there! Mindy threw in a "Hell yeah" for good measure. She has really come into her own as a character this season. Loved how she thanked God for little Riggins's sleeping habits which enabled her to have her "Mama-tini Time."

Her better half shined again as he broke out the Haka dance made famous by the All Blacks. Eric wasn't a fan as he asked "What in God's green earth is a Samoan war dance?" I applauded it though. Defense is discipline, but it also is fire and passion.

Eric's fatherly instincts boiled over when Derek came calling. I liked how nervous the little academic ass was around Eric and how he corrected himself when after he first called him Mr. Taylor then quickly added "I mean Coach Taylor." Being a coach carries a lot of weight in Texas. Calling him mister was like calling a doctor the same. Respect was paid.

If you forgot how much the whole ordeal with Julie and Derek affected Eric you were reminded as he took the handle bars to Gracie's tricycle and smashed the T.A.'s tail light.
Getting back to Vince, what was this kid thinking. Can't blame him for enjoying the visit to Oklahoma Tech, especially when Kaela and Connie showed up to be his personal "escorts." Reminded me of Jesus Shuttlesworth's recruiting trip in He Got Game.

Did he not see the photographer standing there on the field though right when they walked on? I can forgive him for being naive and manipulated by his father and the college booster, but i lost all respect for him when he lied to Coach and said he missed practice because his mom was back on the junk. That was a low point for him.

The team is headed for a breaking point with Vince set to be the wedge that divides.

Other notable moments:

-Buddy Jr.'s "Greetings from Buddy's, Dillon, Texas" tee shirt.
-Vince's dad remarking how he needed to go to college after seeing the sights at the dorm pool.
-Eric asking "isn't part of probation getting a job?"
-Did your guidance counselor ever dress like this?

-And last but not least the return of Matt Saracen.

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