Friday, July 15, 2011


This is where the real work begins fellas. The Lions are on the right path, but the same can't be said for Tim and Billy I'm afraid.

As the two brothers try to mend their relationship, Vince and Ornette's was further stressed by O's reluctance to take his beer outside.

Seeing Tim working at Buddy's was tough. He should be sitting at Smitty's getting free shot after shot. Then he looked up to see Smash the Aggie doing what he should be doing with himself. Tim could still play college ball though. there are those guys like Chris Weinke who came in as 25 year old freshman after trying other pro careers. Tim just decided to spend some time exploring the Correctional Arts and pursuing his degree in license plate making.

Jess wanting to "shadow" Eric is admirable but isn't it a little late in the season. I know theoretically their lives don't end with the conclusion of the season, but it just seems odd the writers keep introducing new angles like this with such little time left.

Tim criticized Billy for not taking advantage of the freedom he bestowed on him by taking the fall for the stolen cars, but he couldn't help but smile when the team showed up on the front lawn and showed the love and respect they have for their assistant coach.
Tim is just in a dark place. Even hearing the Lions win on the radio can't rouse him from his funk.

If Vince was feeling down at all about his mom missing his biggest win to date, it didn't last long as he saw she had stayed behind to organize the celebration for the returning victors.

ON TO...

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