Monday, May 23, 2011

Get Your Swerve On

Eric was dynamic as ever and said volumes with his actions and behavior. The scene where he watched Gracie sleeping as Julie looked in was so telling. Have we ever known Eric to walk out on a practice or be late for a game. When he chased Julie down the hall I stood up in my living room. That was REAL. One of the most laughable moments was when she told Tammi she maybe needed to go to Europe. YEAH RIGHT! Get in that car Julie and go face the music.
What a beat down by Vince's dad. There's taking care of things and then there's that. He should have pulled that trigger though. No chance that moment of mercy doesn't come back to haunt him. I'm also a little worried about Ornette's motivations about protecting Vince. He must have said five times to just stay focused on football. I think he sees a meal ticket in Vince. From the previews it looked like he will try to get involved with the college recruiting and knock heads with Eric. While I really liked his speech at the table about his time in jail, I can't help but think of Cam Newton's dad here. He did have a great line though when he told Vince "let's go be social, ladies be waitin."

I so wanted to see more of Tim's recruiting video. I thought Billy should have had Luke watch it. He did a great job with the pre game speech. Mindy was great as she counseled Becky and pushed her into her "Hottie Farm Boy's" arms but made sure to warn her about safe sex and all that "mommy talk."

Nice attnetion to detail when they had Billy assure Tim that he had been making all the payments on the peice of land he bought.

One thing is for certain, the Lions are for real. Eric is going to be lured away it looks like by a head coaching job. Does he take it and make Luke and Vince his prize recruits? We'll have to see. I think he leaves and Billy takes over the team. The speech was a bit of foreshadowing I think.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Julie what did the five fingers, say to the face?
That was as intense as it gets and reminiscent of Goodfellas where Karen goes to Janice Rossi's apartment. Liked how her roommate stood up for her. Tammi knew right away that something was wrong when Jules showed up at home unannounced.

How bout the lions though slapping the taste out the mouth of Kingdom? That was fantastic! Hastings shined and I rewound his touchdown three times so I could see Luke taunting the guy that just got laid out.
Luke's drunk rant was epic as was the convo the players had whilst Eric listened on earlier before the game. Little Buddy Jr. likes Cougars it looked like.

Julie isn't the only one who fell for a faculty member. Tammi's coworker is hot for teacher too. White wine and Chinese food, who is she kidding and she couldn't have been any less thrilled when Eric called, which was hilarious in it's own right.

The scene where Vince's dad met the coaches was pretty emotional. It was as if he was meeting the men who had been raising his son while he wasn't there. Gotta respect Eric though no matter who you are. Who else cooks bacon in their office? There is no chance though that "everything" concerning Vince's recruitment goes through him.

Break out game and episode for Hastings! Branding though? Having branded myself once I can tell you those boys must have still been good and drunk the next day because that smarts for way longer than overnight.

I'd give this episode 6 stars if I could. It had it all. The team and coaches both nursed hangovers, but I would walk on fire if it meant another season of this great show. Moment's like Vince telling Eric it's his team and he rides with the team, are rare and special. Even the stoic Eric Taylor couldn't help but blush at that one. Best episode of the season and ranks up there with the best in the show's history.

So many amazing quotes:
Eric: Success is not a goal it's a byproduct.

Buddy: They'll kill ya but they can't eat ya.

Luke: I like Country but this is Rap. Put them together and they sound like crap.

Billy: AAA is for women, we're men. We don't ask for directions and we fix our own cars.

Billy: Special Teams is about the real players taking a breather and the people in the stands getting a chance to drop the kids off at the pool. Special Teams? More like Special Ed.
Eric: Hey Coach? This is supposed to be a walk through.

Tinker: It's too damn quiet! I miss my cop cars and crack heads.

Hastings: Ay, that candy ain't free...that porn ain't either.

Luke: Tomorrow buddy.
Vince: Tomorrow.

Eric: Stay away from Dumb.

Hotel Manager: I'm glad you won your soccer game but I need you to tone it down.

Luke: And where's Buddy Jr.? Where are you girl?

Eric: So what are you all wearing?
Tammi: I gotta go now.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Right Hand of the Father

Maybe I'm soft but after hearing from a few people that this episode was weak, I am shocked. I thought it was a great episode and worth of it's own game ball in my episode trophy case. Not only do I think this episode will get Eric Taylor nominated for an Emmy again, I think his speech to Vince about character will win it. All his talk about what their standard entailed was great. Tinker said he was flipping tires in his dreams after Coach was so hard on them. I definitely have run so many gassers that I was doing them in my sleep, but I never had a coach then tell me to take a knee a deliver a speech about team standards like Eric did. Then he gets Vince with the, "Strive to be better than everyone else. Character is in the trying not being."
That was just great stuff.

The game was sick. Vince lead the crowd in cheering "Defense," Luke blew up the other team's QB and Tinker got flagged for doing his shuffle after Vince punched it in for six. What more do you want?

Other highlights were:
Jess's smile when Tami brought up the equipment manager spot.

Gracie Belle yelling "Think about it daddy!"

Billy: Shut your face Moreno

Vince's mom: Give him a chance for me. Let's be a family

Tinkers suit on game day.

Buddy's call to his wife: This is what I've decided. Send Buddy Junior home to
Dillon. Send my son home.

Vince's Dad: Tonight for the first time in my life I knew what pride felt like.

Was glad Vince didn't totally cave and ask his dad to come back in and stay with him and his mom. Julie and Tami were the low points of the episode which is hard to admit, but it's the truth.

So way late on this recap and I have yet to watch this week's episode. Spread a little thin these days so I apologize