Monday, July 25, 2011

The Night The Lights Went Out In Texas

I stood in front of my TV taking it all in with a heavy heart. I put my remote down tenderly like Tim did his cleats after he played his last game. As a fan I gave this show my emotional all and it was returned to me ten fold. Eric Taylor's Lions had to fight and claw to stay in their final game just like this show's fans fought to keep it on air. A last second Hail Mary proved to be the winning play, but no matter the outcome of that play, the series finale was a win in my book.

I'm glad the team won it all and the final play appeared to go from Vince to Luke. They were the two who held the team together through all the trials and tribulations. I was sad to see Luke go off to the army, but it was a very realistic option for someone in his position and was a good fit story wise. The most widely debated part amongst those I talk about the show with has been whether Eric was coaching a high school team or a college team in the end. I am quite sure it was a high school team with little funding and talent from the looks of it. He had to take a step down career wise to emphasize the sacrifice he was making so that Tami could have her shot. Also note that Tammie's clothes changed from when she was walking around her college campus to when she showed up at Eric's field.
The final scene with Billy and Tim was special. One of the most memorable moments came in the first episode when Tim toasted to God, football and living large in Texas ten years from then.  He ended the series finale with the same words he finished his toast with in the first episode,  "Texas Forever." It was great closure. This show, like high school football for many, became a sort of religion for me. I was a devoted follower. I looked for the good in every episode, knowing how lucky we were to have the show air at all.

The amazing acting has been recognized in the form of several Emmy nominations, but if Kyle and Connie come away empty handed once again it won't mean they didn't deserve it. If there was an award for best TV couple it would be theirs hands down. Their on screen chemistry is not easily conjured and their interactions with one another were the most genuine I've ever seen on television. Their struggles and their triumphs were palpable.

From the opening kickoff to the last whistle,  the final season was a triumph.  We were treated to two great performances with the return of Tim Riggins and the emergence of his brother Billy as a leading character. Vince had a lot to live up to on and off the field following in the footsteps of Jason Street and Matt Saracen, but he was terrific. I'll never forget the scene where he sat by his mother's side as she recovered from an overdose. Grandma Saracen became everyone's grandma. She was a special character and was among the many supporting roles that made this show better than the rest.

Thank you Peter Berg for all the memories. Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose.

Friday, July 15, 2011


Well the second to last episode ever of FNL did not lack intensity that was for sure. Eric and Tami were at odds unlike ever before. Interesting to note that Connie Britton didn't want to take on the role for the TV adaptation because she didn't want to just be a football wife cheering in the stands. Peter Berg promised her that would not be the case and boy did he ever live up to that promise. If the Emmy nominations aren't proof enough, this episode showed once again what an amazing dynamic she shares on screen with Kyle Chandler. The line where she said congratulations to him even though he didn't have the grace to say it to her cut deep. Then in a subtle surrender she picked up her boots and walked away as if to say you win Eric, you wear the boots/pants in this family.

Billy and Mindy shared a real moment too in the bedroom that was reminiscent of all the talks about life Eric and Tammy shared, leading me to believe it was another hint that Billy will be coaching next year at Dillon, if not the head coach, in some capacity. Eric just might take the job and bring Mac with him, or perhaps he will coach this last game like it is just that, taking a book out of Tim's book of advice he bestowed on young Luke.

My guess is Luke will shock the state in the finale and have school hounding him. I know that new Costco and movie theatre up at Warrenfield State sounded pretty awesome but I think he'll hold out for something better or just walk away.
Tyra returned and what a reunion it was. She hasn't lost a bit of that sauciness, as we saw when she told the annoying bar patron to get up out of his bar stool so she could talk to Tim. I was touched to hear that she wrote to him while in prison and even though he said it jokingly it was good to know Tim's anal virginity is still intact.
Tyra delivered some amazing lines this week. From describing Dillon as a drug, to asking "what is Tim Riggins going to do in Alaska?" Life is harder when you love someone, she hit the nail on the head and she was also spot on when she told Tim that not a lot of people ever believed in him, but his brother did.

Matt returned to find Grandma's dementia much worse, but it was heartwarming to see them together again. She was a special character and will always hold a place in my TV heart.

Vince and Jess got back together just in time for State. He has always delivered from an acting standpoint. I felt the emotion was genuine when he told her he "was born with two strikes" against him. That line could have come off terrible cheesy but he nailed it.

Buddy is one hell of a salesman and despite he recent love for the Lions, if he can help return the Panthers to glory on his terms with Eric at his side he is not going to pass on the opportunity to do so. The lure of three rings in six years would be historic, but I don't know if it will be enough to keep Eric in Texas. First and foremost we have State to worry about. Can't believe it's all coming to an end.



This is where the real work begins fellas. The Lions are on the right path, but the same can't be said for Tim and Billy I'm afraid.

As the two brothers try to mend their relationship, Vince and Ornette's was further stressed by O's reluctance to take his beer outside.

Seeing Tim working at Buddy's was tough. He should be sitting at Smitty's getting free shot after shot. Then he looked up to see Smash the Aggie doing what he should be doing with himself. Tim could still play college ball though. there are those guys like Chris Weinke who came in as 25 year old freshman after trying other pro careers. Tim just decided to spend some time exploring the Correctional Arts and pursuing his degree in license plate making.

Jess wanting to "shadow" Eric is admirable but isn't it a little late in the season. I know theoretically their lives don't end with the conclusion of the season, but it just seems odd the writers keep introducing new angles like this with such little time left.

Tim criticized Billy for not taking advantage of the freedom he bestowed on him by taking the fall for the stolen cars, but he couldn't help but smile when the team showed up on the front lawn and showed the love and respect they have for their assistant coach.
Tim is just in a dark place. Even hearing the Lions win on the radio can't rouse him from his funk.

If Vince was feeling down at all about his mom missing his biggest win to date, it didn't last long as he saw she had stayed behind to organize the celebration for the returning victors.

ON TO...


I could just picture Buddy playing Double You's classic tune "Please Don't Go" over and over this week after the oranges showed up in Levi's office. What was Buddy doing there in the first place? Poor Buddy Jr. High School is tough enough without having your pops stalking the halls day in and day out.

Not since the Jumbo Tron has Buddy had a more outlandish idea, erect a statue of Coach. A man can't leave if you erect a statue in his honor, everyone knows that. the man is a special friend. He believes in loyalty and sticking with his people. Eric was always there for him as was the entire Taylor family.

Tinker's "Handsome Is A Huge Understatement" tee shirt was special.

As for Billy's "Ladies Man" tee I found it to be a tad inappropriate. I fully back him rocking Landing Strip gear, because that is like free advertising for Mindy, but at some point he needs to play tee shirt survivor and purge some of those older items from his bachelor days.

Vince got his reality check from Eric who made it clear that the team does not play to get him scholarship offers. In the next scene Eric at home with Tami asks how many books Gracie had her read before going to bed. He has always been able to transition from the locker room to the family room with such grace and consistent strength in both arenas. Move over Jerry Maguire there's a new Master of the Living Room.
We saw once again the respect Eric commands when the leader of Tim's parole hearing acknowledged his status and addressed him accordingly.

Eric delivered in full with his "I'm a high school football coach. I don't think there's a better position to be able to judge the content of a young man's character than that. I didn't ask him to be an assistant coach because of his skills on the field which we all know were prodigious. I asked him because of his character off the field."
Buddy stole the show though. "It's time you let Tim Riggins come home!"

Tim not wanting Billy to talk on his behalf was a shot in the gut, but I couldn't really blame him. Just as hurtful was hearing Tim say he felt like he let Coach down.

Tim did what he had to do to help his family. His father wasn't around and his big brother was more of a younger sibling than someone to look up to. Vince has his father back, but his mom was correct to tell "O" that their son needs a father not and agent."

Gut Check

"O" channeled Allen Iverson as he tried to pump up Vince and told him not to worry about having the red jersey taken away at practice. I mean, come on Vince, what are we talkin about man? Practice? Not a game! We talkin about practice.

And Vince, you can't help out Luke, the guy who has had your back all this way? The guy who saved continually got the ball back on defense so you could get another chance at glory? The kid who played through a debilitating injury last season? Listen to your mom Vince, she speaks the truth like Billy Zane.

Luke did need to step up to his mom right off the bat though. Becks had every right to be mad. The woman is a moron, sorry Luke. She was shocked when she saw her son kiss Becky. How do you think she got preggers church lady?

Only in the state of Texas would there be a mandatory class called "Texas History." not European, not American, Texas! Poor Epyck, she probably thought there was a basement in the Alamo.

Becky was adorable as she lamented about potentially seeing Luke in his "cute Lions uniform" for the last time.

Man Julie loves dropping the "I have to tell you something but you have to promise not to get mad" line doesn't she? First on her parents then on Matt. He did well to play it off, but it cut him deep.

Billy- "We've got Riglet #2 coming to a theatre near you! My boys can swim!" (placing the pregnancy test in his mouth triumphantly)
Mindy- "I Peed on that."

Way to bounce back Lions. Not sure why it took Eric so long to let Luke to run out of the shotgun but better late than never.