Tuesday, April 26, 2011


This week opened up and we saw Buddy hanging the sign to his new restaurant. The next shot was of Big Mary's BBQ spot. A not too subtle preview of some tension to come I gathered.

Not really sure why Eric is on the outside looking in as Mac explained to him but I did like how he didn't lose his composure or focus in front of the coaches or team.

"You chalk that field yet?"

Eric has breathed new life into this program. As the show came to a close we saw him glance into the stands. What used to be empty seats on game days were now filled with adoring fans showing their Lion pride. What the governing board is trying to do to his kids is wrong, no doubt about it. So how do you shut them up and make them believers? STATE. You win it all there's no way they can leave you off the rankings. The team rallied behind Eric setting up what will hopefully be a magic run to the state finals. Even a disgruntled Luke cracked a smile knowing Eric has his back.

The football story line is taking shape and I could not be happier. As for the other story lines I find myself split. As much as I love me some Tami Taylor, I'm not sure if I'm buying into the whole save Epyck scenario.
Things almost got interesting though at happy hour when Laurel ran out to catch Tami in the parking lot. We all remember the last time a colleague of Tammy's did this.(GLEN!) Sadly there was no pass made but instead Tami seemed to have gained an ally at East. Yay, I guess. Did love how Eric was so supportive of her going to the bar though.
Julie is lonely at college. Shocker! So now she is falling for the married T.A. Shrug. I love seeing her on screen, and her cockiness at the history department mixer calling the 36 Throwback game was nice, but I think I'll ask that fraternity pledge to take notes for me as well on how this one turns out.

Jess loves her a project. She lamented how she missed the football moments with Vince since the season got underway. Recall how she tutored Landry on kicking. I don't think it's a far cry to think she might take on the Lion's recent basketball convert Hastings as her new project.

Really like the Becky storyline staying with Billy and Mindi and how they, well Mindi, waited up for her. Becky has grown up a lot. Luke was great as he told her how he traded Tinker his pig so she could be his rally girl and even better was when she declined his invite to come into his house when he was so clearly drunk. She wants Luke, just not in a drunken haze. Can't really blame Mindy for being a little jealous of her what with the shorts and all, but she did well to change her tune after Billy reminded her of the sacrifice Tim was making for them.

Vince hugging his mom and asking her where she wanted to live after showing her the recruitment letters had me reaching for the tissues. That scene and the chills I got from when Eric wrote "STATE" on the board were enough for me to call this a good episode overall. I'm a little worried about Luke. He is developing a rather large chip on his shoulder.

Some of my favorite quotes:

Epyck: Everyone in Texas smokes, babies smoke in this state.
Tami: Well even Babies can't smoke on school property.

Hastings: Billy you got any protein on you?

Eric: Do I look worried about anything ti you?

Hastings: Po-rn, I got lots of po-rn.

Tami: Panties in lockers is part of Texas high school football.

Vince: They want me!

Eric: What do you want for breakfast?
Gracie: Mac-n-Cheese please!

Vince: You've been really angry lately Luke, you need a hug?

Becky: I'm just not used to people caring.

Monday, April 18, 2011

A Little Bit Goes a Long Way

As the final season of our beloved FNL got underway, Tim was visited by Billy in jail where we learned he has but a few months left on his sentence and is up for early release with continued good behavior. The bitterness was all over Tim's face as he avoided any kind of contact with his guilt ridden brother. As happy as I was to see #33 doing well I sort of expected to see him sporting a different look, be it a shorter hair or even a beard. Tim is too pretty for for prison and a some scruff would have been a nice touch to show that he has been behind bars for some time now. That said the interaction between the two brothers was well done. Tim wasn't having any of Billy's pity party and I loved how he cut him off when he claimed that he had been a coach to Tim. "Coach was my coach."

Billy claimed he was going to take a coaching job to give something back, but it didn't seem like he was looking to work pro bono when he met with Eric. Eric mentioned that he was short on funds already, which would have been the time for Billy to mention he was just looking to help out the team for free. Couple things to note from when Billy was introduced to the team as well. The look on Eric's face following Billy's Ronnie Lott quote was vintage Coach Taylor. The other look worth worth mentioning was the one of concern on Coach "Best Buy's" face as he seemingly felt threatened by the arrival of another staff member.

This season will be full of final moments, and sadly we saw the last garage jam session of Crucifictorious. "Don't have to bee so flashy Jimmy, a little goes a long way." Landry was full of great lines of which the one about how his mom had packed his stuff up a month ago was the most classic. His final night out with Julie was indeed epic on his scale. I cringed for a second when I thought he might make a drunken pass as his best buddy's ex girlfriend but in the end he settled for Candy and showed once again what a good guy and friend he really is. His farewell to Grandma Saracen tugged at heart strings, but Lorraine kept it light as she told him she had all his band's music loaded up on her "MP Player," which we saw was actually a sphygmomanometer. (Have to admit I never knew what those things were called until I googled it this morning.)This could have been the final time we see Grandma as well which had me misty eyed. Aside from her passing away, I don't really see why she would be featured again this season. What a great and integral part of the series she has been.I couldn't help but smile when we first saw Buddy behind the mic on 1040-Am El Fuego. Buddy was in his element scouting players for Eric and doing everything he could once again for his team. He introduced Coach Taylor and the rest of us to Hastings Ruckle, "the white kid" as he noted to Coach. Grey Damon the actor is a fresh face for the female FNL fans to gush over and will surely fill the void left by Tim until his release. Loved his flare as he hung on the rim, but he needed to work on that free throw form a little more. Grey Damon is no stranger to the grid iron though as fans of Tru blood should have recognized Kitch Maynard as he hung from the rim. He's gone from "V" using meat head QB to idealist, hipster tight end. Eric looked the part as always in his trademark sunglasses and was commanding as ever as he let Hastings know "you live in Texas now, you love the game of football, you just don't know it yet." Eric seemed out of character asking the guys to recruit the hoopster to the grid iron, but he showed his coaching gift when right before he sent the rookie out onto the field he asked him "do me a favor, do the best you can."

Some may have thought his insertion into the game and catching the touchdown was a little far fetched, but the writers did well to show how green he was as you hear him ask things like "where do I stand" and reiterated by Vince when he told him to just run to the goal post. The choice to go for two after clawing to within one point in the games closing seconds was great and made even better by Vince and Luke flawlessly executing the Boise State statue of liberty play to perfection.
A wins a win and this was a great way to start the season off,, but I felt like they were a little pass heavy. I know they were trying to dig themselves out of a pretty big hole, but i was surprised Eric didn't go to "The Lion" formation. That's my only bit of Monday morning quarter backing.

There was a somber moment of the game though following Luke's crack back block on Croft's start QB Cody Pearl. Reminded me of another lauded signal called who with a promising year ahead of him took a big hit in the season opener and laid motionless on the turf.Off the field, Vince showed his maturity and huge heart as he talked to Andre. I was of course sad for Landry that Jess left him for Vince, but I can't help but love the two of them together. It was a very touching moment he shared with her little brother and I have to think Jess will be nothing but a positive influence on Vince and help keep his head in the game all season long. He is going to need a strong support net as we saw his father will be joining the show after being released from prison.

Julie looks to be headed for trouble as the season preview showed. We saw the awkward phone call she had with her room mate where she said "it was good to meet you sort of." I wonder if the married man is a teacher? Away from home and feeling lost and alone she fills the voids left by her separation from her dad and Matt with one guy. You stay golden Julie Taylor! It will be alright.After saying farewell to their first born, all Eric could say as she pulled away was "wow." I was equally emotional thinking of the day I send my own flesh and blood off to college. The entire episode was filled with tender father/daughter moments which lead up to the final goodbye. The ping pong game was great, but the most emotional scene had to be when Julie noticed her dad staring at her from the kitchen. "I'm gonna miss this," was his line to her. It reminded me that at the end of this season we too are going to be saying goodbye to something we care deeply for. With that said, this season is off to a great start and I plan on savoring the last few opportunities to write about one of the greatest shows on television.

Until this Friday, as always, C.E.F.H.C.L.!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


The network premier of the final season for Friday Night Lights is just a day away. Bittersweet emotions abound as we travel back to Dillon for one last season. As much as I hate the ad, I wish we could get the sprinkler guy from the Buffalo Wild Wings commercials and send this season into overtime.
Season 5 will once again be anchored by Emmy nominees Kyle Chandler and Connie Britton, and will be joined by the cast from last year. Each week could be infused with nostalgia as long-time Friday Night Lights favorites such as Scott Porter, Taylor Kitsch, Zach Gilford and Adrianne Palicki will all return for the show's final season.
Not sure if the show will pick up in the aftermath of the Lions big win over the Panthers or if some time will have elapsed. Remember one of the last things we saw was Coach hanging Christmas lights on the house. Do we get to see the holidays in Dillon, or will we fast forward to the preseason? Will Luke remain a Lion or head off to prep school? How can Luke think about transferring after a win like that? His mother will not be happy to hear Tammi is coming to his son's school though that's for sure. If he stays, Luke and Tinker will be a focus I feel as their friendship continues to grow. Will they explore Stan, Coach Best Buy's, sexuality in the final season and another social issue to the list of ones they have tackled? Vince and Jess will test the limits of their feelings and the limits of Big Mary's patience. Hopefully we will see Vince's mother doing well and due to return home. No matter what transpires I'm sure we are in for a treat. Break out the eye black but have the tissues close at hand. C.E.F.H.C.L.!!!